DatabaseLink allows other Mathematica applications to hold resource information for database connections in DatabaseResources directories. There are a number of possible ...
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It lets you build executables, libraries, and object files from C source code. ...
A remote kernel in use may fail at any time, due to hardware, network, or software problems. A failure of a remote kernel will be noticed the next time Parallel Computing ...
MaximalIndepndentEdgeSet[g] gives a maximal independent edge set of an undirected graph g.
StemLeafPlot[data] creates a stem-and-leaf plot for the real-valued vector data.StemLeafPlot[data_1, data_2] creates a side-by-side stem-and-leaf plot for the vectors data_1 ...
DavisDistribution[b, n, \[Mu]] represents a Davis distribution with scale parameter b, shape parameter n, and location parameter \[Mu].
FourierSequenceTransform[expr, n, \[Omega]] gives the Fourier sequence transform of expr.FourierSequenceTransform[expr, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, ...}] gives ...
HotellingTSquareDistribution[p, m] represents Hotelling's T^2 distribution with dimensionality parameter p and m degrees of freedom.
LinearProgramming[c, m, b] finds a vector x that minimizes the quantity c.x subject to the constraints m.x >= b and x >= 0. LinearProgramming[c, m, {{b_1, s_1}, {b_2, s_2}, ...
LogGammaDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Mu]] represents a log-gamma distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta] and location parameter \[Mu].