CompilePrint[cfun] prints a human readable form of a compiled function.
LightweightGrid[agent] is a description of a subkernel to be launched on agent by the Lightweight Grid SystemLightweightGrid[{"Agent" -> agent, "KernelCount" -> count, ...
RemoteKernelServices[] returns a list of services provided by the Lightweight Grid.
RemoteServices[manager] is a description of a subkernel to be launched on manager by the Lightweight Grid System.RemoteServices[{"Agent" -> agent, "KernelCount" -> count, ...
WidgetGroup[{content, ...}] specifies custom layout settings for how the content widgets are displayed.
Widget["List"] represents a list.
PeakWavelength[temp] gives the wavelength of the maximum emission of a black body at the specified temperature temp.
BellmanFord[g, v] gives a shortest-path spanning tree and associated distances from vertex v of graph g. The shortest-path spanning tree is given by a list in which element i ...
BinarySubsets[l] gives all subsets of l ordered according to the binary string defining each subset. For any positive integer n, BinarySubsets[n] gives all subsets of {1, 2, ...