NumberOfNecklaces[n, nc, Cyclic] returns the number of distinct ways in which an n-bead necklace can be colored with nc colors, assuming that two colorings are equivalent if ...
PartitionLattice[n] returns a Hasse diagram of the partially ordered set on set partitions of 1 through n in which p < q if q is finer than p, that is, each block in q is ...
SetPartitionListViaRGF[n] lists all set partitions of the first n natural numbers, by first listing all restricted growth functions (RGFs) on these and then mapping the RGFs ...
ToCanonicalSetPartition[sp, set] reorders sp into a canonical order with respect to set. ToCanonicalSetPartition[sp] reorders sp into canonical order, assuming that ...
ToUnorderedPairs[g] constructs a list of unordered pairs representing the edges of graph g. Each edge, directed or undirected, results in a pair in which the smaller vertex ...
VertexCover[g] returns a vertex cover of the graph g.
The functionality of PolynomialPowerMod is now available in the kernel function PolynomialRemainder. Modulus is now an option to the kernel functions PolynomialQuotient and ...
New functions Animate and ListAnimate have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. SpinShow is replaced by interactive rotation of three-dimensional graphics.
RevolutionPlot3D and SphericalPlot3D have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. RevolutionPlot3D includes the functionality of CylindricalPlot3D.
New function FourierDCT has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. New function FourierDST has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.