BoxFillingStyle is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies a color to be used in drawing the box.
BoxQuantile is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies how far the box extends from the median.
Convert[expr, newunits] converts expr to a form involving a combination of units newunits.
CoordinatesFromCartesian[pt] gives the coordinates in the default coordinate system of the point pt given in Cartesian coordinates. CoordinatesFromCartesian[pt, coordsys] ...
Coordinates[] gives a list of the default coordinate variables in the default coordinate system. Coordinates[coordsys] gives a list of the default coordinate variables in the ...
CoordinatesToCartesian[pt] gives the Cartesian coordinates of the point pt given in the default coordinate system. CoordinatesToCartesian[pt, coordsys] gives the Cartesian ...
Mathematica's symbolic representation of both graphics and controls makes it particularly easy to create click-interactive panels in which the user clicks or drags elements ...
For many applications, high-level constructs like Manipulate and TabView will immediately give you the dynamic interactivity you need. Mathematica also allows you to create ...
The functional and list-oriented characteristics of the core Mathematica language allow Mathematica to provide immediate built-in data parallelism, automatically distributing ...
The syntax of the Mathematica language is unique among modern languages in allowing not just ordinary ASCII characters, but also a variety of special characters that greatly ...