GraphDisjointUnion[g_1, g_2] gives the graph disjoint union of the graphs g_1 and g_2.GraphDisjointUnion[g_1, g_2, ...] gives the disjoint union of g_1, g_2, ....
GraphUnion[g_1, g_2] gives the graph union of the graphs g_1 and g_2.GraphUnion[g_1, g_2, ...] gives the graph union of g_1, g_2, ....
WordData["word", " property"] gives the specified property for the English word " word".WordData["word"] gives a list of full word specifications representing possible uses ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Opening[image, ker] gives the morphological opening of image with respect to the structuring element ker.Opening[image, r] gives the opening with respect to a range r square.
x -= dx subtracts dx from x and returns the new value of x.
TotalWidth is an option which can be set for output streams to specify the maximum total number of characters of text that should be printed for each output expression. Short ...
VectorColorFunctionScaling is an option for graphics functions which specifies whether arguments supplied to a vector color function should be scaled to lie between 0 and 1.
$KernelCount gives the number of subkernels available for parallel computations.
FiniteAbelianGroupCount[n] gives the number of finite Abelian groups of order n.
LowerTriangularize[m] gives a matrix in which all but the lower triangular elements of m are replaced with zeros. LowerTriangularize[m, k] replaces with zeros only the ...