(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Degrees[g] returns the degrees of vertex 1, 2, 3, ... in that order.
DeleteFromTableau[t, r] deletes the last element of row r from Young tableau t.
Derangements[p] constructs all derangements of permutation p.
DistinctPermutations[l] gives all permutations of the multiset described by list l.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Edge is an optional argument to inform certain functions to work with edges instead of vertices.
EquivalenceClasses[r] identifies the equivalence classes among the elements of matrix r.
EulerianCycle[g] finds an Eulerian cycle of g if one exists.
ExactRandomGraph[n, e] constructs a random labeled graph of exactly e edges and n vertices.
ExtractCycles[g] gives a maximal list of edge-disjoint cycles in graph g.
FerrersDiagram[p] draws a Ferrers diagram of integer partition p.