InversePermutation[p] yields the multiplicative inverse of permutation p.
Inversions[p] counts the number of inversions in permutation p.
LexicographicPermutations[l] constructs all permutations of list l in lexicographic order.
LineGraph[g] constructs the line graph of graph g.
LongestIncreasingSubsequence[p] finds the longest increasing scattered subsequence of permutation p.
MakeSimple[g] gives the undirected graph, free of multiple edges and self-loops derived from graph g.
MaximumAntichain[g] gives a largest set of unrelated vertices in partial order g.
MaximumIndependentSet[g] finds a largest independent set of graph g.
MaximumSpanningTree[g] uses Kruskal's algorithm to find a maximum spanning tree of graph g.
MinimumChainPartition[g] partitions partial-order g into a minimum number of chains.