SignaturePermutation[p] gives the signature of permutation p.
Spectrum[g] gives the eigenvalues of graph g.
TravelingSalesmanBounds[g] gives upper and lower bounds on a minimum-cost traveling salesman tour of graph g.
TriangleInequalityQ[g] yields True if the weights assigned to the edges of graph g satisfy the triangle inequality.
TutteGraph returns the Tutte graph, the first known example of a 3-connected, 3-regular, planar graph that is non-Hamiltonian.
UnrankGrayCodeSubset[n, l] gives the n\[Null]^th subset of list l, listed in Gray code order.
UnrankKSubset[m, k, l] gives the m\[Null]^th k-subset of set l, listed in lexicographic order.
UnrankSubset[n, l] gives the n\[Null]^th subset of list l, listed in some canonical order.
VertexCoverQ[g, c] yields True if the vertices in list c define a vertex cover of graph g.
The built-in function Reduce provides the functionality previously found in Algebra`InequalitySolve`.