This example displays the classic simple "Hello World" application using the GUIKit framework. The following are other variants on the basic theme of specifying the user ...
The GUIKit` package can also be used to provide Mathematica-enriched user interfaces to standalone Java applications, leveraging the fact that J/Link also works within a Java ...
By default, any interface definition executes within a single thread, and since currently GUIKit` definitions execute at runtime as Java components, this means that execution ...
ListWaveform[{{f_1, a_1}, {f_2, a_2}, ...}, freq, dur] creates a Sound object with fundamental frequency of freq hertz, lasting for dur seconds, with a spectrum in which ...
DaysBetween[{year_1, month_1, day_1}, {year_2, month_2, day_2}] gives the number of days between the dates {year_1, month_1, day_1} and {year_2, month_2, day_2}. ...
(Mathematica Compatibility Information) As of Version 7, the Bar Charts Package has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.
PolyhedronData has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. A new Polyhedron Operations Package has been created.
The functionality of RotateShape, TranslateShape, and AffineShape is provided by the newly added kernel functions Rotate, Translate, Scale and GeometricTransformation. ...
Mathematica's built-in SparseArray function should be used to create tridiagonal matrices. Mathematica kernel's built-in sparse solver LinearSolve has replaced ...