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EqualVariances   (Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol)
EqualVariances is an option to statistical confidence interval and hypothesis test functions of two samples that specifies that unknown population variances are equal.
StudentTCI   (Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol)
StudentTCI[\[Mu], \[Sigma], df] gives a confidence interval based on Student's t distribution with df degrees of freedom.
EllipsoidQuantile   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
EllipsoidQuantile[matrix, q] gives the ellipsoidal locus of the q\[Null]^th quantile of matrix.EllipsoidQuantile[matrix, {q_1, q_2, ...}] gives ellipsoidal loci for multiple ...
LegendBorderSpace   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendBorderSpace is an option for Legend which sets the space around the entire set of key boxes and text in the legend.
LegendSize   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendSize is an option for Legend which specifies the size of a legend box.
PrimeQCertificateCheck   (Primality Proving Package Symbol)
PrimeQCertificateCheck[cert, n] gives True if cert is a valid certificate for the primality or compositeness of n, and False otherwise.
Standard Atmosphere Package   (Standard Atmosphere Package Tutorial)
Plotting an atmospheric property. This package provides support for plotting how U.S. Standard Atmosphere properties vary with altitude. This loads the package.
BoxLabels   (Statistical Plots Package Symbol)
BoxLabels is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies labels to be given for each of the datasets.
ColumnLabels   (Statistical Plots Package Symbol)
ColumnLabels is an option for StemLeafPlot which specifies the labels for columns.
ConvertTemperature   (Units Package Symbol)
ConvertTemperature[temp, oldscale, newscale] converts temperature temp from temperature scale oldscale to scale newscale.
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