Mathematica supports an extremely wide range of mathematical notation, although often it does not assign a predefined meaning to it. Thus, for example, you can enter an ...
Start with the expression that will be the base. Type x. Create a built-up power by pressing the Control key and the 6 key at the same time.
To get a radical, press the Control key and the 2 key at the same time. Press Ctrl+2 or Ctrl+@. Type the radicand inside the placeholder (which is already selected).
Type the symbol that will have the subscript. Type x. Create a subscript by pressing the Control key and the - key at the same time.
DatabaseLink supports SQL transactions and result sets. These features, useful for advanced users, help to maintain integrity of the data stored in your database as well as ...
Database connection pools are a common way to improve the performance of database operations. They can be useful because creating a new connection can easily take several ...
SQLDropTable drops tables from a database. An alternative, using raw SQL, is demonstrated in "Dropping Tables with Raw SQL". If you find that the examples in this tutorial do ...
DatabaseLink contains a number of example databases (many use HSQLDB). These allow you to try examples in the documentation and learn the details of working with databases in ...
KernelLink -- communicate with a Mathematica kernel, MathLink -- low-level methods for communicating with any MathLink program, MathLinkFactory -- create links, ...
AppletViewer[javaclass, parameters] displays a window with an applet of the specified JavaClass running in it. AppletViewer["classname", parameters] displays a window running ...