(Computational Geometry Package Symbol) AllPoints is an option to ConvexHull that specifies whether all distinct points on the hull or only the minimum set of points needed to define the hull are returned.
IdealDivide[x, y] gives the correctly rounded result of x divided by y involving a single rounding error.
MachineError[f, x -> a] gives the error involved in evaluating f at x = a using machine arithmetic.
Truncation is a setting for the option RoundingRule of SetArithmetic that specifies rounding by discarding excess digits.
BesselSimplify[expr] transforms Bessel functions in expr, trying to either decrease the number of Bessel functions, or convert Bessel functions into more elementary functions.
FromPackedArray[expr] unpacks expr so that its internal representation is not a packed array.
NotebookConvert["name"] converts a Mathematica notebook from a previous version of Mathematica to one for the current version.
TrigToRadicals[expr] converts trigonometric functions to radicals whenever possible in expr.
CompileEvaluate[expr] compiles expr and then evaluates the resulting compiled code.
ImpliesQ[expr_1, expr_2] tests whether the expression expr_1 implies expr_2.