6751 - 6760 of 8567 for roots of equationsSearch Results
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SpearmanRankCorrelation   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
SpearmanRankCorrelation[xlist, ylist] gives Spearman's rank correlation coefficient \[Rho] for the real-valued vectors xlist and ylist.
JustMajor   (Music Package Symbol)
JustMajor is an interval list for the Just Major scale.
LegendBackground   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendBackground is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of background to use with a legend.
LegendBorder   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendBorder is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of the line surrounding key boxes and text in a legend.
LegendLabelSpace   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendLabelSpace is an option for Legend, which specifies the space for LegendLabel.
LegendShadow   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendShadow is an option for Legend which specifies the shadowing drawn around the legend.
LegendSpacing   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendSpacing is an option for Legend which specifies the amount of space around each key box on a scale where the box is 1.
LegendTextOffset   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendTextOffset is an option for Legend, which specifies the offset of text next to the key box.
ShadowBorder   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
ShadowBorder is an option for ShadowBox, which specifies the style of the border around the rectangle above a shadow.
BoxExtraSpacing   (Statistical Plots Package Symbol)
BoxExtraSpacing is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies spacing adjustments to be applied when plotting multiple boxes.
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