InterpolatingFunction[domain, table] represents an approximate function whose values are found by interpolation.
NDSolve is broken up into several basic steps. For advanced usage, it can sometimes be advantageous to access components to carry out each of these steps separately. NDSolve ...
StringLength["string"] gives the number of characters in a string.
Dispatch[{lhs_1 -> rhs_1, lhs_2 -> rhs_2, ...}] generates an optimized dispatch table representation of a list of rules. The object produced by Dispatch can be used to give ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Rest[expr] gives expr with the first element removed.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Modulus -> n is an option that can be given in certain algebraic functions to specify that integers should be treated modulo n.
VectorPoints is an option to VectorPlot, ListVectorPlot, and related functions that determines how many field vectors to draw.
When a differential system has a certain structure, it is advantageous if a numerical integration method preserves the structure. In certain situations it is useful to solve ...
PearsonChiSquareTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Pearson \[Chi]^2 test.PearsonChiSquareTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) PrimeNu[n] gives the number of distinct primes \[Nu](n) in n.