711 - 720 of 8567 for roots of equationsSearch Results
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PrimeOmega   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PrimeOmega[n] gives the number of prime factors counting multiplicities \[CapitalOmega](n) in n.
Manipulating Expressions like Lists   (Mathematica Tutorial)
You can use most of the list operations discussed in "Lists" on any kind of Mathematica expression. By using these operations, you can manipulate the structure of expressions ...
Import and Export File Elements   (Mathematica How To)
Sometimes you may want to work with a specific part of a file instead of all of it. When bringing a file into Mathematica , you can elect to import just individual parts of ...
Inner   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Inner[f, list_1, list_2, g] is a generalization of Dot in which f plays the role of multiplication and g of addition.
Implicit   (Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol)
Implicit is a setting for the option RungeKuttaMethod specifying the type of Runge\[Dash]Kutta method to be generated.
FrobeniusNumber   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FrobeniusNumber[{a_1, ..., a_n}] gives the Frobenius number of a_1, ..., a_n.
D   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
D[f, x] gives the partial derivative \[PartialD]f/\[PartialD]x. D[f, {x, n}] gives the multiple derivative \[PartialD]^n f/\[PartialD]x^n. D[f, x, y, ...] differentiates f ...
StringReplaceList   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StringReplaceList["string", s -> sp] or StringReplaceList["string", {s_1 -> sp_1, s_2 -> sp_2, ...}] gives a list of the strings obtained by replacing each individual ...
MardiaKurtosisTest   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
MardiaKurtosisTest[data] tests whether data follows a MultinormalDistribution using the Mardia kurtosis test.MardiaKurtosisTest[data, " property"] returns the value of " ...
$Line   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$Line is a global variable that specifies the number of the current input line.
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