FactorList[poly] gives a list of the factors of a polynomial, together with their exponents.
Distribute[f[x_1, x_2, ...]] distributes f over Plus appearing in any of the x_i. Distribute[expr, g] distributes over g. Distribute[expr, g, f] performs the distribution ...
PrependTo[s, elem] prepends elem to the value of s, and resets s to the result.
Matrix inversion. Here is a simple 2×2 matrix. This gives the inverse of m. In producing this formula, Mathematica implicitly assumes that the determinant ad-bc is nonzero.
PatternSequence[p_1, p_2, ...] is a pattern object which represents a sequence of arguments matching p_1, p_2, ....
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Streams[] gives a list of all streams that are currently open. Streams["name"] lists only streams with the specified name.
MomentConvert[mexpr, form] converts the moment expression mexpr to the specified form.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Chop[expr] replaces approximate real numbers in expr that are close to zero by the exact integer 0.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Column[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] is an object that formats with the expr_i arranged in a column, with expr_1 above expr_2, etc. Column[list, alignment] aligns each element ...
LabelingFunction is an option for charting functions that specifies a function to apply to determine labeling of chart elements.