OwnValues[x] gives the rule corresponding to any ownvalue defined for the symbol x.
SetPartitionQ[sp, s] determines if sp is a set partition of set s. SetPartitionQ[sp] tests if sp is a set of disjoint sets.
A graph may not be fully connected. For instance, only about 25% of the web graph is estimated to be in the largest strongly connected component. Another 25% is estimated to ...
ColumnWidths is an option for the low-level function GridBox which specifies the widths to use for columns.
StreamStyle is an option to StreamPlot, StreamDensityPlot, and related functions that determines the style to use for drawing streamlines.
BoxFormFormatTypes is a global option that specifies the list of typeset format types that are currently defined.
SpanLineThickness is an option for selections that specifies the thickness in printer's points of line-spanning characters such as \[Backslash][VerticalLine] and ...
SpanMaxSize is an option for selections that specifies the maximum size of spanning characters such as parentheses and brackets.
SpanMinSize is an option for selections that specifies the minimum size of spanning characters such as parentheses and brackets.
Many aspects of the Mathematica front end such as the styles of cells, the appearance of notebooks, or the parameters used in typesetting are controlled by options. For ...