Unicode: 228F. Infix set relation operator. x ⊏ y is by default interpreted as SquareSubset[x,y]. Used in computer science to indicate that x is a substring occurring at the ...
Unicode: 2290. Infix set relation operator. x ⊐ y is by default interpreted as SquareSuperset[x,y]. Used in computer science to indicate that x is a substring occurring at ...
"BackgroundDialog" is a front end token that opens the Color dialog to set the background color for selected cells or text.
"FontColorDialog" is a front end token that opens the Color dialog to set the color for selected text.
"FontPanel" is a front end token that opens the Font dialog.
"FontSizeDialog" is a front end token that opens the Font Size dialog.
IntervalUnion[interval_1, interval_2, ...] gives the interval representing the set of all points in any of the interval_i.
StructuredSelection is an option for Cell that specifies whether to allow only complete subexpressions in the cell to be selected interactively using the front end.
Two ways to set up automatic numbering in a Mathematica notebook. These cells are in DisplayFormulaNumbered style. DisplayFormulaNumbered style is available in the default ...
Basic vector operations. This is a vector in three dimensions. This gives a vector u in the direction opposite to v with twice the magnitude.