ImageForestingComponents[image] finds a segmentation of image, returning an integer matrix in which positive integers label different ...
NHoldFirst is an attribute which specifies that the first argument to a function should not be affected by N.
TextRecognize[image] recognizes text in image and returns it as a string.
VerifyTestAssumptions is an option to LocationTest and similar functions that controls which assumptions to verify through diagnostic tests.
Steps in the operation of Mathematica. When you type something like x^2 what Mathematica at first sees is just the string of characters x, ^, 2. But with the usual way that ...
One of the most common uses of MathLink is to allow you to call functions in an external program from within Mathematica. Once the external program has been set up, all you ...
When Solve cannot find solutions in terms of radicals to polynomial equations, it returns a symbolic form of the result in terms of Root objects. You can get numerical ...
CUDAResourcesInstall[] installs the CUDAResources paclet from the Wolfram Data Paclet server.CUDAResourcesInstall[pth] installs the CUDAResources paclet from the paclet file.
A real polynomial system is an expression constructed with polynomial equations and inequalities combined using logical connectives and quantifiers and
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/jp2 JPEG2000 raster image and compression format. Used for photographic images. JPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group. Binary file format. ...