UnitTriangle[x] represents the unit triangle function on the interval |x| <= 1 .UnitTriangle[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional unit triangle function on the ...
Mathematica has a highly flexible system for handling dates and times in almost any format, automatically converting between formats, and when necessary parsing strings ...
Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture makes it straightforward to insert dynamic behavior anywhere in any graphic. Single functions—readily generated ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Coth[z] gives the hyperbolic cotangent of z.
a ** b ** c is a general associative, but non-commutative, form of multiplication.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BesselI[n, z] gives the modified Bessel function of the first kind I_n (z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) AngerJ[\[Nu], z] gives the Anger function J_v(z).AngerJ[\[Nu], \[Mu], z] gives the associated Anger function J_\[Nu]^\[Mu](z).
Interval[{min, max}] represents the range of values between min and max. Interval[{min_1 , max_1}, {min_2 , max_2}, ...] represents the union of the ranges min_1 to max_1, ...
RamanujanTauL[s] gives the Ramanujan tau Dirichlet L-function L(s).
SpheroidalS1[n, m, \[Gamma], z] gives the radial spheroidal function S_n^m, (1)(\[Gamma], z) of the first kind.