Integers represents the domain of integers, as in x \[Element] Integers.
If you have a list of elements, it is often important to be able to apply a function separately to each of the elements. You can do this in Mathematica using Map. This ...
Mathematica uses various syntactic rules to interpret input that you give, and to convert strings and boxes into expressions. The version of these rules that is used for ...
DifferenceRoot[lde] represents a function that solves the linear difference equation specified by lde[a, n].
PowersRepresentations[n, k, p] gives the distinct representations of the integer n as a sum of k non-negative p\[Null]^th integer powers.
Supporting a large number of numerical integration methods for differential equations is a lot of work. In order to cut down on maintenance and duplication of code, common ...
With its convenient symbolic representation of algebraic numbers, Mathematica's state-of-the-art algebraic number theory capabilities provide a concrete implementation of one ...
LinearRecurrence[ker, init, n] gives the sequence of length n obtained by iterating the linear recurrence with kernel ker starting with initial values ...
Mathematica includes all the common special functions of mathematical physics found in standard handbooks. Each of the various classes of functions is discussed in turn. One ...
When you set up mathematical formulas, you often have to introduce various kinds of local objects or "dummy variables". You can treat such dummy variables using modules and ...