(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) StruveH[n, z] gives the Struve function H n (z).
Expressions corresponding to cells. Here is a notebook containing a text cell and a Mathematica input cell. Here are the expressions corresponding to these cells.
Mathematica is a modular software system in which the kernel which actually performs computations is separate from the front end which handles interaction with the user. The ...
Many computations are conveniently specified in terms of applying functions in parallel to many elements in a list. Mathematica provides a suite of elegant functional ...
As with integers, operations related to division are key to many computations with polynomials. Mathematica includes not only highly optimized univariate polynomial-division ...
Integrated into Mathematica is a full range of state-of-the-art local and global optimization techniques, both numeric and symbolic, including constrained nonlinear ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) StruveL[n, z] gives the modified Struve function L n (z).
The aim of these tutorials is to provide a self-contained working guide for solving different types of problems with DSolve. The first step in using DSolve is to set up the ...
DSolve returns a general solution for a problem if no initial or boundary conditions are specified. The general solution to this equation is returned. However, if initial or ...