ComposeList[{f_1, f_2, ...}, x] generates a list of the form {x, f_1[x], f_2[f_1[x]], ...}.
Characters that are not letters, letter-like forms, or structural elements are treated by Mathematica as operators. Mathematica has built-in rules for interpreting all ...
$ReleaseNumber is an integer which gives the current Mathematica kernel release number, and increases in successive releases.
AlgebraicIntegerQ[a] yields True if a is an algebraic integer, and yields False otherwise.
The general solution to a differential equation contains undetermined coefficients that are labeled C[1], C[2], and so on. This example has one undetermined parameter, C[1]. ...
$SyntaxHandler is a global variable which, if set, is applied to any input string that is found to contain a syntax error.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NArgMin[f, x] gives a position x_min at which f is numerically minimized.NArgMin[f, {x, y, ...}] gives a position {x_min, y_min, ...} at which f is numerically ...
PlotLayout is an option used by WaveletListPlot and similar functions to specify the layout of multiple plots.
Extension is an option for various polynomial and algebraic functions that specifies generators for the algebraic number field to be used.
Simplify[expr] performs a sequence of algebraic and other transformations on expr, and returns the simplest form it finds. Simplify[expr, assum] does simplification using ...