Mathematica contains the world's largest collection of number theoretic functions, many based on specially developed algorithms.
A "How to" describes how to carry out particular tasks with Mathematica, giving step-by-step instructions for common cases.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Abort[] generates an interrupt to abort a computation.
Mathematica allows you to treat abstract 3D graphics using familiar physical metaphors. It provides not only real-time 3D manipulation, but also detailed programmatic control ...
EstimatedDistribution[data, dist] estimates the parametric distribution dist from data.EstimatedDistribution[data, dist, {{p, p_0}, {q, q_0}, ...}] estimates the parameters ...
Power series are in many ways the algebraic analog of limited-precision numbers. Mathematica can generate series approximations to virtually any combination of built-in ...
The functionality of Calculus`DSolveIntegrals` is now available in the built-in Mathematica kernel function DSolve.
Newton's method for nonlinear equations is based on a linear approximation so the Newton step is found simply by setting M_k(p)=0, Near a root of the equations, Newton's ...
PowerExpand[expr] expands all powers of products and powers. PowerExpand[expr, {x_1, x_2, ...}] expands only with respect to the variables x_i.
AiryAiPrime[z] gives the derivative of the Airy function Ai^\[Prime] (z).