Converting power series to normal expressions. Power series in Mathematica are represented in a special internal form, which keeps track of such attributes as their expansion ...
AndersonDarlingTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Anderson\[Dash]Darling test.AndersonDarlingTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed ...
LinearProgramming[c, m, b] finds a vector x that minimizes the quantity c.x subject to the constraints m.x >= b and x >= 0. LinearProgramming[c, m, {{b_1, s_1}, {b_2, s_2}, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Split[list] splits list into sublists consisting of runs of identical elements. Split[list, test] treats pairs of adjacent elements as identical whenever applying the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cosh[z] gives the hyperbolic cosine of z.
FindVertexCover[g] finds a vertex cover of the graph g with a minimum number of vertices.
HistogramList[{x_1, x_2, ...}] gives a list of bins and histogram heights of the values x_i.HistogramList[{{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...}] gives a list of bins and ...
StieltjesGamma[n] gives the Stieltjes constant \[Gamma]_n. StieltjesGamma[n, a] gives the generalized Stieltjes constant \[Gamma]_n (a).
PaddedForm[expr, n] prints with all numbers in expr padded to leave room for a total of n digits. PaddedForm[expr, {n, f}] prints with approximate real numbers having exactly ...
VertexCoverQ[g, vlist] yields True if the vertex list vlist is a vertex cover of the graph g, and False otherwise.