InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], \[Lambda]] represents an inverse Gaussian distribution with mean \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Lambda].InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], ...
NegativeBinomialDistribution[n, p] represents a negative binomial distribution with parameters n and p.
For many kinds of practical calculations, the only operations you will need to perform on polynomials are essentially structural ones. If you do more advanced algebra with ...
Mathematica's core tree-oriented symbolic language makes it uniquely suited to working with XML. Mathematica can not only import—from files or the web—arbitrary XML with any ...
Introduction to J/Link Calling Java from Mathematica Writing Java Programs That Use Mathematica
NDSolve solves a differential equation numerically. It returns solutions in a form that can be readily used in many different ways. One typical use would be to produce a plot ...
ListDensityPlot[array] generates a smooth density plot from an array of values. ListDensityPlot[{{x_1, y_1, f_1}, {x_2, y_2, f_2}, ...}] generates a density plot with values ...
BetaPrimeDistribution[p, q] represents a beta prime distribution with shape parameters p and q. BetaPrimeDistribution[p, q, \[Beta]] represents a generalized beta prime ...
There are many Mathematica packages that implement symbolic mathematical operations. Here are a few examples drawn from the standard set of packages distributed with ...
Attributes[symbol] gives the list of attributes for a symbol.