EventHandler[expr, {"event_1" :> action_1, "event_2" :> action_2, ...}] displays as expr, evaluating action_i whenever "event_i" occurs in connection with expr.
DeclarePackage["context`", {"name_1", "name_2", ...}] declares that Needs["context`"] should automatically be executed if a symbol with any of the specified names is ever ...
NonConstants is an option for D which gives a list of objects to be taken to depend implicitly on the differentiation variables.
StackBegin[expr] evaluates expr, starting a fresh evaluation stack.
StackComplete[expr] evaluates expr with intermediate expressions in evaluation chains included on the stack.
StackInhibit[expr] evaluates expr without modifying the evaluation stack.
SinghMaddalaDistribution[q, a, b] represents the Singh\[Dash]Maddala distribution with shape parameters q and a and scale parameter b.
You can use files on your computer system to store definitions and results from Mathematica. The most general approach is to store everything as plain text that is ...
FisherHypergeometricDistribution[n, n_succ, n_tot, w] represents a Fisher noncentral hypergeometric distribution.
All textual and graphical forms in Mathematica are ultimately represented in terms of nested collections of boxes. Typically the elements of these boxes correspond to objects ...