(Function Approximations Package Symbol) Bias is an option to RationalInterpolation, GeneralRationalInterpolation, MiniMaxApproximation, and GeneralMiniMaxApproximation that specifies the bias to apply when ...
GeneralRationalInterpolation[{f_x, f_y}, {t, m, n}, x, {t_1, ..., t m + n + 1}]] gives the rational polynomial function of x, with numerator order m and denominator order n, ...
Computable Document Format (CDF) files supply a rich deployment method leveraging the power and flexibility of the Mathematica language with the wide distribution provided by ...
GraphLayout is an option to Graph and related functions that specifies what layout to use for graph components and collections of components.
The Graph Utilities Package contains a number of functions useful for graph theory applications. Functions in the Graph Utilities Package. This loads the package.
OrderStarKind is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the type of order star to be displayed.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`Approximations` is now available in the newly created Function Approximations Package.
Subresultants[poly_1, poly_2, var] generates a list of the principal subresultant coefficients of the polynomials poly_1 and poly_2 with respect to the variable var.
JordanModelDecomposition[ss] yields the Jordan decomposition of a StateSpaceModel object ss. The result is a list {s, jc} where s is a similarity matrix and jc is the Jordan ...
CellPrint[expr] inserts expr as a complete cell in the current notebook just below the cell being evaluated. CellPrint[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] inserts a sequence of cells.