(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Default[f] gives the default value for arguments of the function f obtained with a _. pattern object. Default[f, i] gives the default value to use when _. appears as the ...
void MTensor_disownAll (MTensor t) disowns all references to an MTensor that was passed between a library function and Mathematica using shared memory management.
void MTensor_disown (MTensor t) disowns a reference to an MTensor that was passed between a library function and Mathematica using shared memory management.
Exclusions is an option that specifies where to exclude in regions used by functions like Plot, Plot3D, and NIntegrate.
Building on Mathematica's strengths in large-scale data handling, numerical optimization, and geometric computation, Version 6.0 brought a new level of automation to data ...
Gradient is an option for FindMinimum and related functions that specifies the gradient vector to assume for the function being extremized.
Web Services Link is a Mathematica add-on application. Before any functions from the package can be used, it must be loaded as follows. InstallService will install the web ...
ClosenessCentrality[g] finds the closeness centrality.
CholeskyDecomposition[m] gives the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix m.
CoefficientArrays[polys, vars] gives the arrays of coefficients of the variables vars in the polynomials polys.