1771 - 1780 of 4834 for special function zeroSearch Results
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Discriminant   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Discriminant[poly, var] computes the discriminant of the polynomial poly with respect to the variable var.Discriminant[poly, var, Modulus -> p] computes the discriminant ...
EffectiveInterest   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
EffectiveInterest[r, q] gives the effective interest rate corresponding to interest specification r, compounded at time intervals q.
VertexOutDegree   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
VertexOutDegree[g] gives the list of vertex out-degrees for all vertices in the graph g.VertexOutDegree[g, v] gives the vertex out-degree for the vertex v.
SQLCreateTable   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLCreateTable[conn, table, columns] creates a new table in an SQL connection.
OpenCLQ   (OpenCLLink Symbol)
OpenCLQ[] returns True if the system has OpenCL support.
XML   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
MIME type: text/xml XML general-purpose markup language and structured document format. Primarily used for the exchange of data across different systems in computer networks. ...
Sound   (Mathematica Tutorial)
On most computer systems, Mathematica can produce not only graphics but also sound. Mathematica treats graphics and sound in a closely analogous way. For example, just as you ...
Each version of Mathematica comes with a variety of standard extra packages that provide specific additional functionality. The specific code of these packages can be ...
The Mathematica function DSolve finds symbolic solutions to differential equations. (The Mathematica function NDSolve, on the other hand, is a general numerical differential ...
RectangleChart   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
RectangleChart[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] makes a rectangle chart with bars of width x_i and height y_i. RectangleChart[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i}, ...], ..., w_j[{x_i, y_j}, ...
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