UpperTriangularize[m] gives a matrix in which all but the upper triangular elements of m are replaced with zeros. UpperTriangularize[m, k] replaces with zeros only the ...
TetGenLink is a Mathematica application that makes the functions of TetGen available to Mathematica. This is done with Wolfram LibraryLink, which allows TetGen to be used in ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Ticks is an option for graphics functions that specifies tick marks for axes.
RemoteKernelServices[] returns a list of services provided by the Lightweight Grid.
This example displays a modeless dialog that shows how to auto-event from text field changes. Specifically, this provides a simple interface for the Names [] function and ...
DeBruijnGraph[m, n] constructs the n-dimensional De Bruijn graph with m symbols for integers m > 0 and n > 1. DeBruijnGraph[alph, n] constructs the n-dimensional De Bruijn ...
FieldExp[f, n] gives the value of the discrete exponential of n associated with the field f.
FirstIntegral[u] represents a first integral associated with the variable u in the output of the function FirstIntegrals.
The user interface for Mathematica provides many options for formatting input and output.
ColorRules is an option for ArrayPlot which specifies how colors of cells should be determined from values.