EndNETBlock[] and a preceding BeginNETBlock are equivalent to the NETBlock function, except that they work across a larger span than the evaluation of a single expression.
GetActiveCOMObject[string] acquires an already-running COM object specified by string, which can be either a ProgID (such as "Excel.Application") or a CLSID (such as ...
LayeredGraphPlot attempts to draw the vertices of a graph in a series of layers, placing dominant vertices at the top, and vertices lower in the hierarchy progressively ...
The general principle that Mathematica follows in evaluating expressions is to go on applying transformation rules until the expressions no longer change. This means, for ...
Biharmonic[f] gives the biharmonic, \[Del]^4 f, of the scalar function f in the default coordinate system. Biharmonic[f, coordsys] gives the biharmonic of f in the coordinate ...
WaveletImagePlot[dwd] plots the basis tree of wavelet image coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletImagePlot[dwd, r] plots coefficients up to refinement level ...
Newton's method for nonlinear equations is based on a linear approximation so the Newton step is found simply by setting M_k(p)=0, Near a root of the equations, Newton's ...
"Graphics and Sound" discusses how to use functions like Plot and ListPlot to plot graphs of functions and data. This tutorial discusses how Mathematica represents such ...
A body that absorbs all radiation incident on it is called an ideal black body. This package provides functions giving the basic properties of black-body radiation at a ...
ListVectorPlot3D[array] generates a 3D vector plot from a 3D array of vector field values.ListVectorPlot3D[{{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {vx_1, vy_1, vz_1}}, ...}] generates a 3D vector ...