VarianceEstimatorFunction is an option for LinearModelFit and NonlinearModelFit which specifies the variance estimator to use.
SQLDropTable[conn, table] drops a table in an SQL connection.
DatabaseLink contains a number of example databases (many use HSQLDB). These allow you to try examples in the documentation and learn the details of working with databases in ...
JavaShow[window] causes the specified Java window to be brought to the foreground, so that it appears in front of notebook windows.
ReturnAsJavaObject[expr] causes a Java method call or field access during the evaluation of expr to return its result as an object reference (a JavaObject expression), not a ...
ReturnAsNETObject[expr] causes a .NET call during the evaluation of expr to return its result as an object reference (i.e., a NETObject expression), not a value.
InstallServiceOperation[name, endpoint, arguments, headers] creates a function for the web service operation using the end point, arguments, and options.
$PrintWSDLDebug specifies whether WSDL debugging information will be printed when installing a web service.
A process is simply a Mathematica expression being evaluated. A processor is a parallel kernel that performs such evaluations. The command ParallelEvaluate discussed in the ...
DynamicModule[{x, y, ...}, expr] represents an object which maintains the same local instance of the symbols x, y, ... in the course of all evaluations of Dynamic objects in ...