Mathematica 6.0 represented one of the world's most advanced software engineering endeavors. Building on Mathematica's symbolic programming foundations, a series of software ...
Mathematica 6 introduced the revolutionary idea of symbolic dynamic interactivity. Mathematica 7 makes use of this idea throughout the system, and adds a number of additional ...
Mathematica automatically sets up the infrastructure for parallel computing on standard systems, and provides a variety of tools for sharing and synchronizing definitions ...
Mathematica's scheduled tasks provide a way to set evaluation of arbitrary expressions in the future. Tasks can be scheduled for one-time evaluation, or for repeated ...
The Virtual Book is a browsable electronic collection of all the Mathematica tutorials, grouped according to functionality. It is an excellent place for users of all levels ...
BubbleChart[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}] makes a bubble chart with bubbles at positions {x_i, y_i} with sizes z_i.BubbleChart[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i, z_i}, ...], ...
ContinuousAction is an option for Manipulate, Slider, and related functions that specifies whether action should be taken continuously while controls are being moved.
FinishDynamic[] finishes updating and displaying all currently visible Dynamic objects.
LinkInterrupt[link] sends an interrupt to the program at the other end of the specified MathLink connection.
ScheduledTasks[] returns a list of ScheduledTaskObject expressions that represent current tasks.