AbsoluteTiming[expr] evaluates expr, returning a list of the absolute number of seconds in real time that have elapsed, together with the result obtained.
ClearAttributes[s, attr] removes attr from the list of attributes of the symbol s.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Deploy[expr] yields a deployed version of expr in which elements such as Slider, InputField, Locator, and Button are active, but general editing and selection is disabled.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) DMSList[\[Theta]] converts an angle \[Theta] given in decimal degrees to a DMS list {degree, minute, second}.DMSList["dms"] converts a DMS string to a DMS list {degree, ...
EnterTextPacket[string] is a MathLink packet that requests the parsing and evaluation of string as an expression.
EvaluatePacket[expr] is a MathLink packet requesting evaluation of expr.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) FromDMS[{d, m, s}] converts from degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees. FromDMS["dms"] converts from a DMS string to decimal degrees.FromDMS["latlong"] converts ...
PrincipalValue is an option for Integrate that specifies whether the Cauchy principal value should be found for a definite integral.
StartScheduledTask[obj] starts the task represented by obj.
In doing calculations, it is often convenient to collect together several objects, and treat them as a single entity. Lists give you a way to make collections of objects in ...