MomentEvaluate[mexpr, dist] evaluates formal moments in the moment expression mexpr on the distribution dist.MomentEvaluate[mexpr, list] evaluates formal moments and formal ...
Rationalize[x] converts an approximate number x to a nearby rational with small denominator. Rationalize[x, dx] yields the rational number with smallest denominator that lies ...
ShearingMatrix[\[Theta], v, n] gives the matrix corresponding to shearing by \[Theta] radians along the direction of the vector v, and normal to the vector n.
StandardDeviation[list] gives the sample standard deviation of the elements in list. StandardDeviation[dist] gives the standard deviation of the symbolic distribution dist.
ToeplitzMatrix[n] gives the n*n Toeplitz matrix with first row and first column being successive integers.ToeplitzMatrix[{c_1, c_2, ..., c_n}] gives the Toeplitz matrix whose ...
Variance[list] gives the sample variance of the elements in list. Variance[dist] gives the variance of the symbolic distribution dist.
CUDABoxFilter[img, r] gives the box filter of img with radius r.CUDABoxFilter[list, r] gives the box filter of list with radius r.CUDABoxFilter[mem, r] gives the box filter ...
CUDAClamp[lst] clamps the values of lst between automatically determined values.CUDAClamp[lst, low, high] clamps the values of lst between low and high.
CUDADot[vec 1, vec 2] gives the dot product of vec_1 and vec_2.CUDADot[mat, vec] gives the matrix-vector product of mat and vec.CUDADot[mat_1, mat_2] gives the matrix-matrix ...
CUDAImageAdd[img, x] adds an amount x to each channel value in img.CUDAImageAdd[mem, x] adds an amount x to each channel value in mem.CUDAImageAdd[img 1, img 2] gives an ...