MLINK MLFromLinkID (MLENV env, long inumb) returns the link object with ID number inumb in the MathLink environment env.
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) mlint64 is a MathLink type for storing 64-bit integers.
int MLMessageReady (MLINK link) queries the link object link to see if the link has an out-of-band message.
int MLPutReal (MLINK link, double x) puts the floating-point number x to the MathLink connection specified by link.
mltimeval is a MathLink type used for storing time arguments.
long MLToLinkID (MLINK link) returns the ID number of link.
The functions defined in Music` allow you to make conversions between cents and hertz, and play scales in one of the common tuning systems, or in a user-specified tuning ...
AlgebraicNumber[\[Theta], {c_0, c_1, ..., c_n}] represents the algebraic number in the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][\[Theta]] given by c_0 + c_1 \[Theta] + ... + c_n ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Band[{i, j}] represents the sequence of positions on the diagonal band that starts with {i, j} in a sparse array.Band[{i_min, j_min, ...}, {i_max, j_max, ...}] represents the ...