Since Version 5.0 (released in 2003), SingularValues has been superseded by SingularValueList and SingularValueDecomposition.
(Obsolete Mathematica Symbol) TeXSave is superseded by Export[..., "TeX"] in Version 6.
This tutorial shows a number of examples of the use of Mathematica for computations that involve linear algebra. Certain sparse matrix techniques try to reorder the matrix so ...
Introduction Matrix and Tensor Operations Working with Sparse Arrays
Matrices in Mathematica can be constructed from all the different types of objects that Mathematica holds. They can contain machine-precision real and complex floating-point ...
In Version 6, ListIntegrate has been superseded by Integrate[Interpolation[data, InterpolationOrder -> k][x], {x, Max[x_c], Min[x_c]}], for data = {{x_1, y_1}, ..., {x_n, ...
As of Version 6.0, NIntegrate natively supports InterpolatingFunction objects.