DiracComb[x] represents the Dirac comb function giving a delta function at every integer point. DiracComb[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional Dirac comb function.
BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of ...
ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a reverse biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a reverse ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) If[condition, t, f] gives t if condition evaluates to True, and f if it evaluates to False. If[condition, t, f, u] gives u if condition evaluates to neither True nor False.
SpheroidalS2Prime[n, m, \[Gamma], z] gives the derivative with respect to z of the radial spheroidal function S_n^m, (2)(\[Gamma], z) of the second kind.
Mathematica provides a range of methods for representing and constructing matrices. Especially powerful are symbolic representations, in terms of symbolic systems of ...
f' represents the derivative of a function f of one argument. Derivative[n_1, n_2, ...][f] is the general form, representing a function obtained from f by differentiating n_1 ...
FromCharacterCode[n] gives a string consisting of the character with integer code n. FromCharacterCode[{n_1, n_2, ...}] gives a string consisting of the sequence of ...
MathieuCharacteristicA[r, q] gives the characteristic value a_r for even Mathieu functions with characteristic exponent r and parameter q.
Simplifying expressions. Mathematica does not automatically simplify an algebraic expression like this. Simplify performs the simplification.