(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Gather[list] gathers the elements of list into sublists of identical elements.Gather[list, test] applies test to pairs of elements to determine if they should be considered ...
Searching for local minima and maxima. This finds the value of x which minimizes Γ(x), starting at x2. The last element of the list gives the value at which the minimum is ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Prefix[f[expr]] prints with f[expr] given in default prefix form: f@expr. Prefix[f[expr], h] prints as hexpr.
Minimization and maximization. Minimize and Maximize yield lists giving the value attained at the minimum or maximum, together with rules specifying where the minimum or ...
FresnelC[z] gives the Fresnel integral C(z).
MaxValue[f, x] gives the maximum value of f with respect to x.MaxValue[f, {x, y, ...}] gives the maximum value of f with respect to x, y, .... MaxValue[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...
NMaximize[f, x] maximizes f numerically with respect to x.NMaximize[f, {x, y, ...}] maximizes f numerically with respect to x, y, .... NMaximize[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] ...
Limit[expr,x->x_0] tells you what the value of expr is when x tends to x_0. When this value is infinite, it is often useful instead to know the residue of expr when x equals ...
Converting power series to normal expressions. Power series in Mathematica are represented in a special internal form, which keeps track of such attributes as their expansion ...
Maximize[f, x] maximizes f with respect to x.Maximize[f, {x, y, ...}] maximizes f with respect to x, y, .... Maximize[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] maximizes f subject to the ...