(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Hash[expr] gives an integer hash code for the expression expr.Hash[expr, " type"] gives an integer hash code of the specified type for expr.
Mathematical functions in Mathematica are given names according to definite rules. As with most Mathematica functions, the names are usually complete English words, fully ...
Evaluating integrals is much more difficult than evaluating derivatives. For derivatives, there is a systematic procedure based on the chain rule that effectively allows any ...
Building on its core symbolic architecture, Mathematica gives immediate access to the latest in industrial-strength Boolean computation. With highly general symbolic ...
Mathematica allows you to specify in detail what should happen when you press Shift+Enter to evaluate a cell in a notebook, or Ctrl+Shift+Enter to evaluate an expression in ...
Mathematica stands out from traditional computer languages in supporting many programming paradigms. Procedural programming is the only paradigm available in languages like C ...
Power series are in many ways the algebraic analog of limited-precision numbers. Mathematica can generate series approximations to virtually any combination of built-in ...
Mathematica uses a large number of original algorithms to provide automatic systemwide support for inequalities and inequality constraints. Whereas equations can often be ...
Mathematica's symbolic architecture immediately defines a serializable representation for any Mathematica data or program—which can then readily be stored in a file.
DiscreteRiccatiSolve[{a, b}, {q, r}] gives the matrix x that is the stabilizing solution of the discrete algebraic Riccati equation ConjugateTranspose[a].x.a - x - ...