SetPrecision[expr, p] yields a version of expr in which all numbers have been set to have precision p.
You can think of an expression like f[x] as being formed by applying an operator f to the expression x. You can think of an expression like f[g[x]] as the result of composing ...
You may have noticed that there are two different ways to make assignments in Mathematica: lhs=rhs and lhs:=rhs. The basic difference between these forms is when the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs ^= rhs assigns rhs to be the value of lhs, and associates the assignment with symbols that occur at level one in lhs.
Mathematica provides broad and deep built-in support for both programmatic and interactive modern industrial-strength image processing —fully integrated with Mathematica's ...
While differential equations have three basic types—ordinary (ODEs), partial (PDEs), or differential-algebraic (DAEs), they can be further described by attributes such as ...
The syntax of the Mathematica language is unique among modern languages in allowing not just ordinary ASCII characters, but also a variety of special characters that greatly ...
Mathematica provides fully integrated spline graphics primitives, such as Bézier curves, B-spline curves, and B-spline surfaces. The spline primitives support a full range of ...
BeginPackage["context`"] makes context` and System` the only active contexts. BeginPackage["context`", {"need_1`", "need_2`", ...}] calls Needs on the need_i.
With its core symbolic paradigm and immediate access to sophisticated numerical, symbolic and geometric algorithms, Mathematica is able to provide a uniquely flexible and ...