Total differentiation operations. When you find the derivative of some expression f with respect to x, you are effectively finding out how fast f changes as you vary x. Often ...
MaxwellDistribution[\[Sigma]] represents a Maxwell distribution with scale parameter \[Sigma].
General Mathematica patterns provide a powerful way to do string manipulation. But particularly if you are familiar with specialized string manipulation languages, you may ...
A real polynomial system is an expression constructed with polynomial equations and inequalities combined using logical connectives and quantifiers and
ArcSinDistribution[{x min, x max}] represents the arc sine distribution supported between x min and x max.
BetaNegativeBinomialDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], n] represents a beta negative binomial mixture distribution with beta distribution parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta], and n ...
If you make a definition like f[x_]:=x Sin[x], Mathematica will store the expression x Sin[x] in a form that can be evaluated for any x. Then when you give a particular value ...
HypergeometricDistribution[n, n_succ, n_tot] represents a hypergeometric distribution.
HalfNormalDistribution[\[Theta]] represents a half-normal distribution with scale inversely proportional to parameter \[Theta].
Simplify[expr] performs a sequence of algebraic and other transformations on expr, and returns the simplest form it finds. Simplify[expr, assum] does simplification using ...