Type 2+2 and then press Shift+Enter (hold down the Shift key and press Enter) to tell Mathematica to evaluate your input. Note that labels are added automatically, and output ...
WeibullDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a Weibull distribution with shape parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter \[Beta].WeibullDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], ...
TrigToExp[expr] converts trigonometric functions in expr to exponentials.
A field is an algebraic structure obeying the rules of ordinary arithmetic. In particular, a field has binary operations of addition and multiplication, both of which are ...
When you have numerical data, it is often convenient to find a simple formula that approximates it. For example, you can try to "fit" a line or curve through the points in ...
AppendColumns, AppendRows, and BlockMatrix are available using the Mathematica kernel functions Join and ArrayFlatten. TakeRows, TakeColumns, TakeMatrix, and SubMatrix are ...
InverseContinuousWaveletTransform[cwd] gives the inverse continuous wavelet transform of a ContinuousWaveletData object cwd. InverseContinuousWaveletTransform[cwd, wave] ...
SinIntegral[z] gives the sine integral function Si(z).
Compiled is an option for various numerical and plotting functions which specifies whether the expressions they work with should automatically be compiled.
There are some close connections between finding a "local minimum" and solving a set of nonlinear equations. Given a set of n equations in n unknowns, seeking a solution r(x) ...