ContourPlot[f, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] generates a contour plot of f as a function of x and y. ContourPlot[f == g, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] plots ...
When you set up mathematical formulas, you often have to introduce various kinds of local objects or "dummy variables". You can treat such dummy variables using modules and ...
DifferentialD[x] displays as \[DifferentialD]x.
FourierTransform[expr, t, \[Omega]] gives the symbolic Fourier transform of expr. FourierTransform[expr, {t_1, t_2, ...}, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, ...}] gives the ...
Mathematica supports zeta and polylogarithm functions of a complex variable in full generality, performing efficient arbitrary-precision evaluation and implementing extensive ...
Mathematica provides unified graphics support for 2D and 3D polygons, allowing all standard Mathematica colors and transparency to be used for both faces and edges, as well ...
ImageCompose[image, overlay] gives the result of overlaying overlay onto image. ImageCompose[image, {overlay, \[Alpha]}] gives the result of alpha blending overlay into image ...
TetGen is a quality tetrahedral mesh generator and a three-dimensional Delaunay triangulator. TetGenLink is a Mathematica application that uses Wolfram Library Link to link ...
TetGen is a quality tetrahedral mesh generator and a three-dimensional Delaunay triangulator. TetGenLink is a Mathematica application that uses Wolfram LibraryLink to link to ...
EllipticNomeQ[m] gives the nome q corresponding to the parameter m in an elliptic function.