IncludeFileExtension is an option for notebooks that specifies whether the suffix ".nb" is automatically appended to a notebook's name when it is first saved.
LimitsPositioningTokens is an option for selections that specifies a set of characters for which the option LimitsPositioning is set to True by default.
PrintAction is an option for notebooks that specifies the action taken when a Print[] command is evaluated by the kernel.
PrintingPageRange is an option for notebooks that specifies the range of pages of a notebook to be printed.
PrintingStartingPageNumber is an option for notebooks that specifies what number to assign to the first page of a notebook when printed.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Residue[expr, {z, z_0}] finds the residue of expr at the point z = z_0.
RulerUnits is an option for notebooks that specifies the units in the ruler toolbar.
Mathematica's ability to deal with symbolic expressions, as well as numbers, allows you to use it for many kinds of mathematics. Calculus is one example. With Mathematica, ...
Type 2+2 and then press Shift+Enter (hold down the Shift key and press Enter) to tell Mathematica to evaluate your input. Note that labels are added automatically, and output ...
MathML is an XML-based markup language for representing mathematics. It was developed by the W3C to provide an effective way to display math in web pages and facilitate the ...