"NudgeDown" is a front end token that adds or modifies an AdjustmentBox to shift an expression one point down.
"NudgeLeft" is a front end token that adds or modifies an AdjustmentBox to shift an expression one point to the left.
"NudgeRight" is a front end token that adds or modifies an AdjustmentBox to shift an expression one point right.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "NudgeUp" is a front end token that adds or modifies an AdjustmentBox to shift an expression one point up.
"OpenCloseGroup" is a front end token that opens selected groups if they are closed or closes selected groups if they are open.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Open" is a front end token that opens a dialog to select and open an existing file.
"OptionsDialog" is a front end token that opens the Option Inspector.
"Otherscript" is a front end token that moves the selection to the "other" script position.
"PlainFont" is a front end token that removes any FontWeight, FontSlant, FontTracking, or FontVariations option settings from a selection.
"PreferencesDialog" is a front end token that opens the Preferences dialog to view and edit preferences, options, and system settings.