"FrontEndQuit" is a front end token that causes the front end to quit.
"InsertNewGraphic" is a front end token that inserts an empty graphic into the input notebook.
"InsertObject" is a front end token that opens the Insert Object dialog.
"ModifyEvaluatorNames" is a front end token that opens the Kernel Configuration Options dialog box.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Paste" is a front end token that pastes the current contents of the clipboard at the insertion point.
"RemoveFromEvaluationQueue" is a front end token that cancels the pending evaluation of a selected cell.
"SelectionDisplayAs" is a front end token that redisplays selected cells in a new format type.
"StyleOther" is a front end token that opens the Custom Style dialog.
"TemplateSelection" is a front end token that inserts a function template to the right of the insertion point.
Parallel Kernel Status opens a dialog with statistics on active parallel kernels.