Golden Software Surfer geospatial file format. Terrain data format used by Golden Software products. Used for archiving and exchanging terrain data. Binary or ASCII format. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) USGS ASCII DEM files. Standard format for the distribution of terrain elevation data for the United States. United States Geological Survey (USGS) standard. DEM is an acronym ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Visualization Toolkit format. Used for storage of 3D models. Native format of the open-source Visualization Toolkit software. ASCII or binary format. VTK is an acronym ...
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) Scale is an option to NLimit and ND that specifies the scale at which variations are expected.
Haversine[z] gives the haversine function hav(z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) PrimePi[x] gives the number of primes \[Pi] (x) less than or equal to x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Spacer[w] displays as a spacer w printer's points wide.Spacer[{w, h}] displays as a spacer w points wide and a total of h points high.Spacer[{w, h, dh}] makes the spacer ...
SphericalBesselY[n, z] gives the spherical Bessel function of the second kind y_n (z).
In an expression like f[x], the 'function name' f is itself an expression, and you can treat it as you would any other expression. You can replace names of functions using ...
Basic Objects Input Syntax Some General Notations and Conventions