"Graphics and Sound" discusses how to use functions like Plot and ListPlot to plot graphs of functions and data. This tutorial discusses how Mathematica represents such ...
(Mathematica Tutorial) Mathematica supports a variety of objects that can be used to organize and display information in output. Known collectively as views, these objects range from the simple ...
CUDAClamp[lst] clamps the values of lst between automatically determined values.CUDAClamp[lst, low, high] clamps the values of lst between low and high.
CUDADot[vec 1, vec 2] gives the dot product of vec_1 and vec_2.CUDADot[mat, vec] gives the matrix-vector product of mat and vec.CUDADot[mat_1, mat_2] gives the matrix-matrix ...
DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform[data] gives the discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) of an array of data.DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform[data, wave] gives the discrete ...
RemoteKernelCloseAll[] closes all kernels returned by RemoteServicesLinks.
Widget["List"] represents a list.
CellMeans is an option for ANOVA which specifies whether cell means should be included in the output.
FullReport is an option to hypothesis test functions that specifies whether all report information should be returned.